Sunday, October 12, 2008

Testing the Powder? What???

Assalamualaikum wbt n hye!

Hurm, Illani went to Italy with her parents and brought home some nice fridge magnets for her housemates (US!)...Soo sweet of her kan?

She abselutely have no idea what they said, so we end up translating them on the net. So, now, for some Italian lesson~~~~

  • "impara das passato, vivi il presente e spera nel futuro" means "Learn from the past, live the present and hope for the future"
  • "dire cose importanti con semplicita e una cosa importante" literary means, "say important things with simplicity and an important thing"... hurm, who can help interprete?
  • means ""potrei anche non possedere ricchezze o fama, ma ho dei nipoti che non hanno prezzo"I could not have wealth or fame, but I have grandchildren who are priceless"
But hurm... I chosen a nice design, but when we cheched the direct translation, I cannot think of any smart meaning of this phrase, "attenzione stiamo testando la polvere, non toccate i campioni" which directly translated to "attention we are testing the powder, do not touch the samples".

Haha... Im searching for the meaning so anyone who knows, please tell me,okay? But i like that it sounded scientific, like testing a chemical or antrax, hahaha!

My own intrepetation is, let life unfolds by its own and dont try to meddle with it by trying too hard or going too harshly, so handle it carefully. Hurm, that doesnt sound really convincing but I really have no other idea.

Throw me yours.

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