Monday, April 21, 2008

There must be hatred!

Assalamualaikum wbt....

Hope people will digest this first before taking it out of context.
I just want to point out a few things....A bit ying and yang-gy~~

1. You cant have a world filled of love without hatred...coz to love you need to hate. Ngaha! Am I contradicting myself? Nay nay, I hope. What I mean is, love is not love until you have the opposite of ur subject. But then, there is a question of degree and whether u channel ur love or hate to the right subject.

eg: If you want to love Islam, Allah, then you have to hate sins, jahiliyyah stuffs.
You must enter Islam fully, right? No obeying some nice and ez rule and diobeying others.
Oh, I dont say you have to be extreme, its completely different.
eg: When u love, u want all the best things for the party, and u must hate all bad things for the party gak,kn?

2. You need to be able to crumble, to be able to be strong. I had one bad time lately because of my bad. I cried my loudest, letting it all out. I cried until I lost my breath, and look truly miserable. But at the end of that, I dont feel all good, but I felt stronger. Somehow. That I have let go of all, all the things that I held behind this "strong" fortress of a face. The fragility of this heart.

Then I have a thought, why qiamullail will produce strong ppl. Maybe one of the hikmah, for The Knowledge is His, and I know just as whats given to me. And if what I think is true, its because you have a chance to truly be ur humble self, to crumble and cry, with all ur hearts and letting it out JUST and only JUST to The One who will definitely Hear you.

I need this.

3. You need rest to be able to work, and you need to work, before rest is of any use. In this, the concept of degree and balance needs to be used. All work and no rest give u no energy to do more work. All rest,... try it, try lying in bed for 1 day, and all u feel is just ache. Haha!

Okay, with all this miscellaneous concepts, i hope you gain a bit something. If I have idea to elaborate or discuss i will.

1 comment:

drMyrisstyca said...

Salam rais,
Alaaa... senyum jer, what does that mean???

Tp sy terima senyuman itu, arigato!