Tuesday, February 26, 2008

[Ayyuha'l Walad al-Muhib] Dhikir

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Im sorry for long break from Imam Syafie's advices. My bad. Lets not waste time...

Twelfth Counsel


My Dear Beloved Son,

"Awaken at night to pray [tahajjud]"(Quran, 17:79). This, my son is a command.

"And in the hours of early dawn, they were found praying for forgiveness." (Quran, 51:18). This verse indicate thankfulness.

"And those who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning." (Quran, 3:17). This verse indicates dhikr of Allah the Exalted.

The Messengger of Allah s.a.w said: " Three voices are beloved to Allah the exalted: the voice of the cock, the voice of the one who reads the quran and tha voice of those seeking forgiveness in the early morning."

Sufyan al-Thawri r.a said:"Allah the Exalted has created a breeze which blows in the early hours of the morning, that carries the dhikr and the supplications to the Supreme King." He also said: "In the early hours of the night, a caller from under the Throne calls:" Let the worshippers rise," and they will get up and pray till the early hours of dawn. At that point a caller will call:"Let those who pray for forgiveness arise," and they will get up and seek forgiveness. At dawn a caller will say:"Let the heedless arise," and they will get up from their beds as the dead ressurrected form their graves."


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