Monday, July 26, 2010

This baton is my keepsake...

If we are in a heartbreak relay, I would like to pass on the baton. I really would like to pass it… but why I keep holding on to it is beyond me. If I can hold to it long enough until the cycle breaks then perhaps this curse will be broken too. Then everyone will have their time to heal, and everyone wins.

Perhaps not everyone will win... that's just too optimistic of me. But I will have the keepsake, and that is the biggest win of all. Even for the price of being broken to smithereens.

Don't you think that a glass broken to smithereens, can still be broken again and again, to be crushed into dust, ground into powdery wisp....Don't you think that it will be more lethal that way? The way it can infiltrate the air you are breathing and cut you deeper and deeper...Oh yes, it can still be broken quite a number of time until you reach the core of its existence.

And the only way for that dust to become whole again is to find a point in space where it can gather and recollect every pieces... to welcome the warmth and the heat from the outside world that it never allow in before... to melt and to hold fast, one piece to another... Then perhaps the glass will become whole again.

Because there is so much warm and shining things in this world.... I won't frown or weep. And I have this baton for my keepsake, and that is the biggest win of all.

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