Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Disorder of Prematurity

Assalamualaikum wbt n hye...

One not so fine day, my dad msg me on facebook chat, " Can I talk to you about something?"
Messages like that, makes my heart skipped a beat each time.
Then Ill get some anxiety symptoms like palpitations, sweating, increase heart rate, inicrease breathing rate, butterflies in my tummy.
Just anticipating what he's gonna say.
Then you realise, its nothing. Its not that bad.
People can have panic attack just because of the way they think.
Because your thinking effects how you feel, how you behave, and what you will feel, physically.
Try to relax...
Take a deep breath.

Facing reality is always hard.
But most of the time you will be stuck in one place and not moving.
Like entapped in time, but time is wasting away.
And you feel hopeless, worthless, helpless, just because you are unable to face that one thing.
Just one thing and you are denying the prospect of wonderful future in front of you.
Pro and cons...
In the end, the answer is...


He said, its all right to show to others, that you have managed things in a mature way.
I hope I did.
(The managing part, not the showing part.)
I made my choices, based on what I believe.
After a lot of thinking, that is... and hope for divine intervention.
For a sinful heart, is it able to make a choice without Your guidance?
Show us the rightful path, Oh Allah...

But what is mature, mind you?
Wiser than yesterday???
Wiser than them?
Wise enough to act upon ur wisdom???
To do the right thing, when it is the "rightest" choice available.

We make mistakes...
And one mistake can effect not only us.
but without it we never learns, even though it is possible..
but its not whats feasible for mediocre human.
So mistakes I make, to be wiser, to be more matured...


Maturity is relative of the past...
Relative between 2 people...
As all the things in life, we just can strive to near perfection...
forever diagnosed with "Disorder" of Prematurity...
but its not that bad.


Unless you regress!


Ct AdAh said...

Salam shbt..

dalam mksdnya post ni..ingatkn nk ckp psl preterm baby td (o&g fever)..shbt..we learn from our past..n bnda2 tersebut menjadikan kte lebih matang, tabah utk menghadapi msa dpn yg sbnrnya lg besar cbrn nya..who knows, right? but Allah knows wut's d best for us..just put ur believe n trust on Him..forever..then, u'll be happy here and hereafter..

my pray is always for u..=))

drMyrisstyca said...

wsalam. InsyaAllah sahabat. Didikan Allah itu lebih dalam dan terkesan bila hati memahami. Terlalu banyak hikmah yang terbentang dan tertanam dlm dunia dan kehidupan. Bila kita x nampak berkat kasih sygNya juga kita akan ketemukan.

Moga Allah melindungi kamu dalam kasih sayangNya.