Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wedding banner for my dear friend

Assalamualaikum wbt....

Because the bride-to-be has spilled the beans, its not going to be me letting the cat out of the bag with this post. (And I gained her permission to post this.) Its still few months to go but firstly, may everything be well. 

It was me who did the banner and bunting design for the future ocassion. (wedding day,yay!) What do you think of them?

It was made by combination of various stock photos from deviantart.com using photoshop. Ah... its been a while since my photoshopping days.

So, leh bukak kedai x? Or amik comission, haha.... (cam free je kan?)


Ct AdAh said...


ni promo x berbayar kn? haha~ ape pn, thanks sudi design banner tu..dgn upah yg tetttttt (kna censored)..hahaha~

ada peluang untuk majukan perniagaan..scallop kt tangga, banner, n warung canggih awk tu..hihi~

drMyrisstyca said...

warung canggih? Apa maksud kamu?

Ct AdAh said...

warung moden yg awk penah cte tu la..art concept..kalu x silap..hehehe~

drMyrisstyca said...

ooohh... Arts trade cafe cum mini library. Kalau jd (disatu masa yang masih jauh) sy ajak awk minum kopi free.