Sunday, June 20, 2010

Looking for Cinderella...

Assalamualaikum wbt n hye...

I was burrowing my way into my closet, looking for my old jackets and muffler to hand them down to one of my cousin going to the UK soon ... when i found these ....

They are not Cinderella's shoes or anything of sort... They are a just a pair of shoes and suprisingly matching handbag I got for my prom (bought saperately :p )

So i thought, since they are still kind of in a good condition, I only wore them within the count of my fingers, lets find a new owner for them. And as we were having a huge family event in my house (the house was filled with all my cousins, uncles, aunts and both my grannies) I might as well use this chance. (Oh... there's no ballroom dancing in the event...sadly?) So I took out the box and made an announcement...

"Hear here... For whoever can fit this shoe... you can marry... eh... silap... u can keep this shoes and the handbag."

And the shoe fitting session begin!!!!
Too big, too small.Some almost fit, but still, its a miss... [Even my larger-than-life younger brother also tried but he only managed to fit one of his toe.] Not of of the cousins can fit???? I guess, cinderella story is kinda plausible, haha....

So right now, I have the shoes in Penang, so anyone thinks she can fit the shoe, just come knocking to my door,kay?


This has made me thinking about the cinderella story too... what if...the story have some underlying meaning. (Some KBKK in progress.....) Like Little Red Riding Hood's story is actually to warn innocent but oblivious girls about the danger of strangers, who act nice and "familiar". Wolf = ppl who thinks not with their brain but their persistent Wolffian duct (which later developed) ... hehe.

Its a story of a guy who is searching for a girl who can fit a certain shoe! Did u fell in love with the feet??? (sumhow this remind me of Sheila's profile pic...) Kidding...

What I want to go into is... what if the shoe is not a physical shoe, its a certain characteristic that the girl has... like, ur shoe is different than other's shoe. Its like, A's shoe is.... she's kind, she's competent and dependable, she have a beautiful smile and she listen well.... And u may have same size of shoes but different style... like other ppl may have the same traits, but the individuality is still there...

And ur shoe changes with ur events, and increasing in size as ur feet size increases... this is just like how dynamic the personality is.

(actually the phrase, "try walking in someone else's shoes." is interesting jugak kn? In this one "shoes" = "condition/circumstances" the someone is in.)

So one day this guy meet this girl... and he kinda like that characteristics (the shoe), but he doesn't really get the girl's identity... and so, he go and look for someone with that's characteristics. dadadada~~~

okay, so back to cinderella's story... What if, the prince goes around his kingdom, and then found someone who can fit the shoe but its not the same girl (Cinderella)... will he marry her??? Haha...

Ill just leave this nonsensical post here.


Anne said...

wow,, someone being cleaning up her closet recently..will i ever be invited after the room transition?haha.
neway, nice entry..shoe=heart.who ever fit in tat shoe, are already completes one heart.

drMyrisstyca said...

Yes u r cordially invited, anne dear.

Wah, menarik teori awk.
If shoe= heart. So what cinderella left at the ball is her heart la ek? ngahahaha...

cheeewah, jiwang karat anne nih.