Assalamualaikum wbt..
Im not saving you, my dear. I want to, and I'm still trying but I can't; the only person who can save you is yourself, so I'm praying that you will be able to do it. I'll still be by your side all the time. Please save yourself.
Tolong org ni macam menarik kuda ke lopak air, kalau dia tanak minum nak buat camne kan???
Kita boleh baling pelampung kat org tu, tp kalau dia x dpt tangkap, atau berenang ke arahnya, x de guna jugak. Tapi then, external factor pun come into play, contohnya, kalau air tu sejukbeku macam tempat Titanic karam tu, atau org tu punye body pon cam dah nyawa2 ikan ke, ataupun jerung dah usha2... Ultimately, kalau Allah nak jadi, jadi jugak. Tapi kan result tu hak Allah nk kasi, yg jatuh atas kita tu usaha jugak kan?
Mcm org ckp, jangan kasi ikan, tp kasi joran n ajar dia camne nak guna. bagus la tu, si good samaritan tu dah fikir yang terbaik utk org yg dia nk tolong. Tapi kalau batang joran tu sendiri dia p buat perhiasan dinding jer, atau buang ke mana2 ntah... sedih aaa. Better dia wat jolok buah, walaupun salahguna sikit tapi adela usaha nak guna, mungkin dia agak degil tapi kreatif.
Pagi tadi g Pusat Serenti Bukit Mertajam, bakal2 doktor yang tgh berusaha nak mendapat pentauliahan ni, tringin jugak nak jumpa "doktor2" yang x de tauliah, hehe. Bukan saje2, sebab professional jugak, nak blaja pasal masalah penagihan ni. Mase nak g, rasa happy, sbb excited, wat field trip, naik bas... cam back to school.
Sampainya di sana, pak polisi sambut, dah kene beratur bertiga2, chee, macam berdisiplin jer. X leh bwk kamera... (alooo....)
First impression, lawanye tempat ni. Walaupun dari luar nampak mcm penjara, tp bila dah masuk rasa mcm suasana penyayang jer. Ntahla, sebab pokok2 dia hijau and subur, banyak mural,pastu kat koridor dan titi gajah ada tulis nilai2 murni, rasa macam sekolah rendah yang bakal menang pertandingan 3K. Tapi takut gak nak menghadapi penghuni2, ya la, memang x boleh pre-judge atas stereotype, tapi sbb pakcik polis tu dah ckp suh hati2, caution kene ada di situ. Sebenarnya berdebar2 jugak, sebab tau kene clerk one to one harini utk practice amik drug history yg lengkap, elicit stressor yg menyebabkan dia nak amik dll.
Then, kami diajak join diorg nye Morning Meeting. Morning meeting ni sebahagian dari program Therapeutic Community yang diorg employ. Semua penghuni n staff dikira dan dipanggil "ahli keluarga". Kiranya konsepnya ialah mengamalkan kasih sayang and involvement of semua org, termasuk staff dan penghuni, untuk help diorg la, melalui amalan beberapa nilai2 yg diorg cuba impliment dan serapkan.
Contoh nilai:
"Seek to understand rather than be understood"
"Be careful what you wish for, you might get it"
"No free lunch."
Dari apa yg sy tgk, cara yg diorg pakai mcm cuba supaya nilai2 ni, ahli keluarga patutnya boleh ingat sampai bila2. serius, kalau sy kene cara tu confirm saya ingat, sbb mcm asik ulang2 tiap2 pagi. hehe... Tapi tu la, sedih jugak sbb success rate (kiranya, x balik semula kepada penagihan, cuma dalam 30-35%) ketegaq gak aaa...
Back to Morning Meeting, dia mcm perhimpunan pagi yang bermotivasi dan berdisiplin. Diorg boleh duduk, tapi x leh tunduk, or toleh kiri kanan. Duduk dlm sedia??? kot. Ada doa, then recite sumthing yg mcm ikrar, tapi touching la jugak. Then ada perkongsian falsafah/nilai harian oleh satu ahli keluarga. Ala2 tazkirah pagi la. Then, perkongsian masalah. Kat sini diorg x pakai nama, tapi dipanggil pakai "No badan". Contohnya (22/37) <--random je. So, ada ahli keluarga yg g depan and report contohnya, " saya ......, .... kasut saya digunakan oleh seseorang dari asrama ....". Then, org yg wat tu kene ngaku, bangun. Kalau x ngaku, satu asrama kene. Then bantuan akan diminta, semua angkat tgn, so 3 random ppl akan kene panggil ke depan, utk memberi bantuan aka menegur org yg wat salah tu depan2 sume org. First impression cam "ganas" gak aaa, ala2 kita kat asrama dulu kene torture ngan akak2 (uhuk uhuk...oh,kenangan itu), tapi agak positif, sebab diorg akan sebut kesalahan tu, then why its wrong, ape kesannya, reflect masa silam diorg, reflect falsafah/nilai/minda yg berkaitan. then diorg ckp, sikap ni ada gak pada saya, so kita ubah sama2. Kiranya ada format disitu, so, mcm ni la nilai tu patut masuk otak. dah ulang tiap2 hari, kalau x ingat, tataula. Kitorg sbgai pelawat pon cam dah ingat... Comel gak aaa masalah diorg, cam x tutup suis, pijak pokok, curi baju melayu, mcm kat asrama dulu, benda yg kita anggap kesalahan kecik, tapi impak besar, n menunjukkan masalah akhlak disitu....
(continue nnt ek???)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Aku Dalam Dingin Dalam Kelam
Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera.....
Sedikit putaran kata, buat yang sudi merasa.
Aku dalam dingin dalam kelam
Kala suria berlari tinggal langit hitam
Ternoda pada kata, terguris halus jiwa
Halus dari nyata persepsi sebelah mata
Aku dalam dingin dalam kelam
Bukan cuma gerhana menghijab mata malam
Dan kelip bertebar mencari putranya
Tidak tersedar terolah parasnya
Aku tetap dingin tetap kelam
Jika cahaya terbiar padam
Tapi sinar itu dari Tuhanku
Mencerah memancar memayungi aku.
Semoga suria dan purnama bisa mencari cahayanya semula...
Pada Allah terus terus teruslah kita berdoa.
Sedikit putaran kata, buat yang sudi merasa.
Aku dalam dingin dalam kelam
Kala suria berlari tinggal langit hitam
Ternoda pada kata, terguris halus jiwa
Halus dari nyata persepsi sebelah mata
Aku dalam dingin dalam kelam
Bukan cuma gerhana menghijab mata malam
Dan kelip bertebar mencari putranya
Tidak tersedar terolah parasnya
Aku tetap dingin tetap kelam
Jika cahaya terbiar padam
Tapi sinar itu dari Tuhanku
Mencerah memancar memayungi aku.
Semoga suria dan purnama bisa mencari cahayanya semula...
Pada Allah terus terus teruslah kita berdoa.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Food poisoning "song"
Just a feel an impulse to share this ridiculous "song" I stumbled upon in one manga,
"Its a cafe with a lovely tasting tea two of us (are) enjoying at the same time...
Enjoying the same sweet, two of us, together always,
But why am I the only one with food poisoning????"
Its supposed to be the "bittersweet feeling of love".
Just a feel an impulse to share this ridiculous "song" I stumbled upon in one manga,
"Its a cafe with a lovely tasting tea two of us (are) enjoying at the same time...
Enjoying the same sweet, two of us, together always,
But why am I the only one with food poisoning????"
Its supposed to be the "bittersweet feeling of love".
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Story Books with Sign Languange "Translation"
Assalamualaikum wbt and good day everyone....
My mom has finished her Degree in Special Education and she had sign language course. As an assignment she had to make up a story as a schoolchild would, but she has to provide sign language translation of the story. I helped to illustrate the signs for that assignment. We included the full text of the story, and on the other page we arranged the signs and underneath the signs we indicate what individual signs means.
One day mom said that the might want to write children stories or adapt simple folk stories, translate them properly to proper sign languages like BIM (Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia)/ MSL (Malaysian Sign Language) or KTBM (Kod Tangan Bahasa Malaysia) and publish them as story books. I used to help her illustrate, so I was really excited to help with the signs, or perhaps we can include big colourful pictures illustrating the storyline too!
For my dear friends who have family members / friends who use sign language... (because they are deaf/mute/ just for fun)... do you think this will be helpful?
Or do you think, as a book is for reading, might as well let it contain just words... signing should be taught by action, not reading.......
Or do you have any suggestions? Or have you ever find books like this before???
Educators, any take on this?
Thanks for your support!!!! We are really looking forward to commence this project! (It will be in Bahasa Malaysia by the way.
Some useful links:
Malaysian Federation of the Deaf
My mom has finished her Degree in Special Education and she had sign language course. As an assignment she had to make up a story as a schoolchild would, but she has to provide sign language translation of the story. I helped to illustrate the signs for that assignment. We included the full text of the story, and on the other page we arranged the signs and underneath the signs we indicate what individual signs means.
One day mom said that the might want to write children stories or adapt simple folk stories, translate them properly to proper sign languages like BIM (Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia)/ MSL (Malaysian Sign Language) or KTBM (Kod Tangan Bahasa Malaysia) and publish them as story books. I used to help her illustrate, so I was really excited to help with the signs, or perhaps we can include big colourful pictures illustrating the storyline too!
For my dear friends who have family members / friends who use sign language... (because they are deaf/mute/ just for fun)... do you think this will be helpful?
- For the deaf/mute children, they can have fun reading stories with picture and still be encouraged to use proper language, increase their vocabularies and associate the words with the signs.
- For educator, as a teaching tool.
- For parents, can use to practice to sign, or can even assist in reading bedtime stories to child!
- Friends and anyone interested also can benefit from the book....
Or do you think, as a book is for reading, might as well let it contain just words... signing should be taught by action, not reading.......
Or do you have any suggestions? Or have you ever find books like this before???
Educators, any take on this?
Thanks for your support!!!! We are really looking forward to commence this project! (It will be in Bahasa Malaysia by the way.
Some useful links:
Malaysian Federation of the Deaf
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